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Welfare States in Transition: Social Policy Transformation in Organizational Practice

Confirmed Speakers

Michael Adler
School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh - Scotland

Evelyn Z. Brodkin
University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration – USA

Martin Brussig
University of Duisburg-Essen, Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Institute for Work, Skills and Training) - Germany

Joel Handler
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Law and School of Public Affairs - USA

Yeheskel Hasenfeld
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Public Affairs, Department of Social Welfare - USA

Julia R. Henly
University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration – USA

Henning Jørgensen
Aalborg University, Centre for Labour Market Research (CARMA) – Denmark

Matthias Knuth
University of Duisburg-Essen,Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Institute for Work, Skills and Training) – Germany

Susan Lambert
University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration – USA

Flemming Larsen
Aalborg University, Centre for Labour Market Research (CARMA) – Denmark

Michael Lipsky
Demos, Center for the Public Sector, and Georgetown University, Public Policy Institute – USA

Gregory Marston
University of Queensland, School of Social Work and Human Services – Australia

Omar M. McRoberts
University of Chicago, Department of Sociology - USA

Jennifer Mosley
University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration - USA

Sanford Schram
Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr College - USA

William Sites
University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration - USA

C.C.A.M. (Els) Sol
University of Amsterdam, Hugo Sinzheimer Institute – Netherlands

Ludo Struyven
Catholic University of Leuven, Higher Institute of Labour Studies – Belgium

H.H.A.(Rik) van Berkel
Utrecht University, School of Governance – Netherlands

Celeste Watkins-Hayes
Northwestern University, Departments of Sociology and African-American Studies – USA

Evelyn Brodkin

Evelyn Brodkin